Hepatitis c dating website

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This is one of the top reasons people get transplants. We used to hear that note could not be reversed, but research in a number of liver diseases — including Hepatitis C — found that scarring of the liver can be improved with treatment of the hepatitis c dating website that initially led to the damage. Trust is hard for me. If your God motivates you through la, then I do not know your God. My name is Robin DeLuca and I am a single mom of a 17-year old son, living in New York and. But if you stand by them, you will find out that they can be the most loyal partner, file and lover you will ever have whether they are undetectable or not. I am 60 or so Baby Boomer. COMThe data contained in GoDaddy. People with Hepatitis B and C must remember that they are not alone.

Dating and Hepatitis C Now that I have written about sex and Hepatitis C, I thought that we could share a few thoughts about dating and Hepatitis C. I do not know what order they come in for you, but most of the time dating is first. It is never easy for a single person to get back out there. Your dreams of having a lifetime love may have been shattered by a broken relationship. Dating and Hepatitis C may not seem to go together in your mind. Your priorities revolve around your health care needs. You may be planning on treatment and wonder how that will affect your personal life. The side effects may have left you looking like something from a horror film. I felt like the Bride of Dracula except my hair did not look as good as hers. Suffice to say, there is a lot to think about. A side note: You may have found this blog because you are dating someone with Hepatitis C and need information. It takes a lot of love to date someone with HCV. But if you stand by them, you will find out that they can be the most loyal partner, friend and lover you will ever have whether they are undetectable or not. They know how to look on the bright side of life even when they are in pain. There is probably nothing you can ever go through that they will not stand beside you and offer strength and hope. That is because they have had to dig deep within themselves to find their own personal strength. Never be afraid to love someone with Hepatitis C. They have looked death in the eye and then shoved it out of their way. They have a life to live. You can consider yourself blessed if you are invited to share it with them. Can you date during Hepatitis C Treatment? That all depends on how sick you are. I looked fairly good after a blood transfusion and had a little color in my cheeks. If you are stage 4 cirrhosis like me, you may not have the energy. I worked part time and slept the rest of the time at first. My roomie had a steady boyfriend and spent a lot of time with him. I had withdrawn from everyone, including my children. I really thought that death was coming quickly. But as a divorced woman, I was lonely. Once I got through all of the tests and reduced my MELD score, I began to feel better. I considered trying to get treated. I would meet someone occasionally for coffee. I was a drag though. I had my pill holder and my motivational books and journals in my purse. What a nerdy date. I did not know how or when to tell someone that I had Hepatitis C. You have to keep your radar up. There are certain stereotypes that fit when you are dating with Hepatitis C. Maybe you can check your next date up against personalities that I ran across. These traits can apply to men or women. The Hypochondriac — Oddly enough, some people are attracted to sick people. They want to take care of you. I dated this one guy a few times and he had my transplant planned and paid for. Come to find out, he was a bit of a hypochondriac and was looking for someone to burrow down and watch television with. Gosh, he thought we should have matching pill containers. That was NOT cute. So I found a Healthy Guy. We met outside the gym. This guy ate healthy, worked out, and looked great. But it consumed his life. He talked down about people who were sick, like it was their fault. If you find yourself feeling like less of a person because you have a virus when you are with a date, get out of that fast! I never told him about my Hepatitis C Virus until several months later when he called out of the blue. If you cannot tell a potential boyfriend or girlfriend the truth? Watch out for Clingy People. This is tricky, because it can appear sweet at first. One guy loved it that I appeared fragile. He really wanted to take care of someone! Come to find out, he wanted to control my life. He was attractive, but his attitude was controlling. He questioned me about my choice of doctors He wanted to meet my kids after 1 date. We went on one dinner date and he had 3 glasses of wine. The Granola Cruncher — I never went out with this guy. My friends thought he was amazing. They were sure that because of his holistic lifestyle, he would be the one for this self-proclaimed nutritional ninja. We messaged a few times and it became apparent that he believed all doctors were trying to poison our bodies. I had enough to worry about trying to get on Interferon and Ribavirin. I was so close to dying that I had written out my funeral service directions. With an eye on the new protease inhibitors, I was marching straight toward getting rid of the Hepatitis C Virus. I wanted SVR so that my poor liver would get a break from all the inflammation. I believed that even a potentially harmful drug could save my life. If I had dated Granola Cruncher, I would still be sipping smoothies with Acai Berry… or worse, I might be dead. The Religious Freak— This guy bombed me with scripture like he was my Messiah. I have one, thank you. The Bible is my favorite book historically, philosophically, and spiritually. I am all about mercy and love. If your God motivates you through fear, then I do not know your God. Mine is all about love. Do not judge me. I can feel it in my bones when you do. I will love you if you are judgmental. I just do not want to spend my life or even an evening with you. This makes it look like I was a serial dater. I met a few guys for coffee and had 3 dinner dates. I refused most dinner dates because all that was on my mind was eating low sodium. I had lost so much weight that I looked anorexic. My roomie and I spent most of our time alone on her boat or crocheting pot holders and sock hats. We played Wii when I had the energy and worked giant crossword puzzles. We had the best pedicures in town. But she had a boyfriend. I was the 3 rd wheel. Dating guys from church, or other social venues made me uncomfortable. I needed those places to remain safe after diagnosis. I am good just being with me. Some of the personalities described above may seem to fit the description of someone you are dating. Please do not cross someone off of your list based on that alone. These were the extreme sides to those individuals. You know how to use your head when choosing who to spend time with. Your own inner voice will guide you when you are quiet enough to listen. It is not always easy with dating and Hepatitis C. My story has a happy ending. I know that yours will too. My hope is that you will take care of yourself first. If there is a special someone who can support you and be your best friend for life, you will find them. Until then, I am your Best Friend. You better run that potential date by me. I always love you, Karen: HOT TOPIC — Sex and Hepatitis C right. For more blog topics on all things Hepatitis C — click I have Hep C type 1 or 1a or 1b depending on which doctor you with. Viral Load 238,000 down to 45 down to 0 according to most recent blood work. I am raised American of Puerto Rican roots. I am 60 or so Baby Boomer. Time will tell what is going to happen. I just started a youtube channel and need to figure out how to create a playlist. That was a perfectly awesome way to start the day. It is tough dating with HCV. The cool part is that you will soon be SVR. Yes, I am confident of this. But you know, when someone is your best friend, confidant, and wants to spend time with you, none of that will matter. A true love will someone who will share every part of you. This battle with HCV and the treatment is something that has the ability to change us in many ways. Surely you have gained so much strength and courage on this journey. It will be wonderful to have someone to share that with my friend. Have a beautiful day and please keep in touch. I posted a youtube on Ribavirin last night before I fell asleep. Maybe you can give me feedback. I am new to this video stuff. I hope people respond to you and what you are doing. I could not find you on You Tube. The best way to counter that is to take your dosages of Lactulose, Xiphaxan. Otherwise, your body does not do what you tell it to do. My short attention span has stayed with me though: especially if someone is long-winded and does not get to the point. Sounds like you know your stuff w the meds for HE. I keep looking and blinking and listening so hard! I needed this lol. I sent my kiddos to the library for 15 minutes. Then I jumped on the site and make a Youtube page for YOU and all my readers. Check it out from the youtube drop out menu. Honest feedback is appreciated. Yes brain fog is a kinder word. That implies that moments of sunshine and clarity are possible. Someone who is amazing and funny and all around perfect for me. They just started taking the meds for it and all shes been doing is puking and getting sharp pains in her side. I feel horriable watching her go through this because when you love someone that much you just want to take there pain away. I guess my question is, has this medication helped at all? Im so scared shes going to end up on the other side, shes giving up hope and thinking about stopping the meds because it makes her feel so sick all the time. I try to be the better person and be positive for her.. I know I need my faith, and I pray for her everyday, I just want her to get better…ugh.. One of the things that is hard is staying with it during the rough weeks where side effects are blowing you away. I sent you a personal email and hope that you got it. Let me tell you, it feels like you are going to die some days. You hate for others to see you like that and it is emotionally devestating. I know that you feel helpless, but just your continued presence is so valuable. Looking past the messy part of this day into the future is so good for you both. Remind her of the future and that it is bright. Help her picture herself whole and taking that dream trip, finishing a project, or just being free of the virus and healing. For yourself, try not to let yourself get pulled down into it. One of you has to be up. It may be hard, but YOU will become a stronger person in the long run. She informed me that she had been in the hospital all week and has now been diagnosed with Hep B and C. She has not contacted me, or returned a phone call or text since. I want to honor her need for space and try to understand as best I can. Can you direct me to any resources that may speak to my situation as someone who cares about a person recently diagnosed, or direct me to resources that may help me better understand what she is going through as well as her pulling away from me. Your heart is so sweet to reach out to her during this time. I can only imagine what you are going through. On her end, it sounds like she does not want to bother you with her illness. Many times we feel like we do not want to be a burden on anyone. We are fighting for our lives and that takes all of our mental and physical energy. Hopefully her doctor is helping her to get ready for treatment. The new drugs show promising results for HCV. Thank you for honoring her space. But if she is feeling like she is not a great girl friend right now, maybe some reassurance is a good thing. Even sick girls like to know that someone finds them desirable. Go ahead and let her know that you are still there for her. YES she needs someone to stand by her through this. Please forgive my late response, I am hoping that you have already done this. As far as resources for dating with Hepatitis C — follow your heart. Those who battle this virus are just like everyone else. We are looking for someone to share the ups and downs of life with us. Your steadfastness will be rewarded with a best friend and lover who is so grateful to be alive. They meet each day with joy and reward loyalty with more love than your heart can hold. Maybe you can read my blog about Caring for Someone with Hepatitis C. All my best to you. Please keep in touch. I tried to call, and text. I got a text that she had a lot to figure out and that she was sorry for taking it out on me, so I suggested to her in a text that I would not bother her with phone calls and asked her to call when she felt up to it and had time, but that I would still text her on a somewhat regular basis she said that sounded perfect. Since then I have only heard from her when she responded to a couple texts I sent. I know she is going through a lot. As for the treatments, she has no insurance, so I have no idea what is going on with that, nor do I have any idea how bad her liver is. All I have is hope that she will find a way to get treatment, hope that she will get through the internal struggles she is dealing with and hope that eventually she will let me once again be an active part of her life. That with a whole lot of worry of course. For my part I just wish I could be there to hold her hand while she walks down this road, and be there to hug her when she needs it, which I imagine would be a lot. Again thank you for your response. I hope that you have reconnected. It is a crazy time when you are getting diagnosed and finding out what all the options are. I will admit to avoiding the man I was dating and even taking a break when I had to get blood transfusions and looked a mess. I just needed to sleep! His persistance and patience paid off for both of us. He is still here now and that is a miracle! I was anointed in 97 and felt like it was cured, felt like I was walking on air, literally. I had about 4 or more blood tests for liver status because of meds that were hard on the liver, they all came out with liver normal, did not know it was a specific test for Hep. In 2010 the results came as not I had but could be a carrier. Then in July this year my count was 6,667,000. That was the first time m liver was not normal. Still for all intents and purposes the only symptom I have is chronic fatigue. When my Dr sent to specialist it was determined I had type 3, the most viral. Waiting to see if drug maker will give assistance for treatment as the state coverage I have refused to pay. You totally went years without any real problems. That in itself is a miracle. You sound like you have done so well and I hope that continues to be the case. Getting treated is the best option and if your doctor is willing to help you find some financial assistance, you are Blessed! The new drugs are constantly coming down the pike and more will be released next year. If you need any help with that, please check out Alan Franciscus site hcvadvocate or hepmag. They are both great resources for getting meds paid for. You have a bright future. She had everyone convinced that I really was going nuts and I was hook on pain pills. She not only that but she was getting all of my meds and I never knew I had any pain meds and other horrible things. Trust is hard for me. I really felt alone when the last time I had to name a person in case of emergency I left it blank. My son had a horrible accident off shore and has been in a wheelchair for eight y ears and his wife is so jealous of our relationship. I stayed in touch with a guy for over a year talked every day about everything he had a stroke. Things started to go bad when everything was about him and his health. I sure look better with cloths on. I know that many of us can identify with a lot of what you said. The trust issue is a big part of it. My daughter is an only child and my main caregiver, but when she gets tired, she turns to my sisters. It sucks not being able to make you own decisions and have independence. I DID meet a great guy and we married when I finished treatment. The swelling belly can be ascites. For that, a doc can diagnose and maybe give a diuretic? Have you considered that it may be your diet? I put a lot of fresh greens and bananas in my protein shake and it can cause swelling due to the fiber. I hope this helps. Use some olive oil on that skin and stay hydrated. Be the best YOU and you will attract the right person. He told me he has hep c. So if I can get any advice it would be much appreciated. Good thing to check. He must be a pretty nice guy to tell you. HCV can only be transmitted through blood which means he would have to bleed and you would have to have a cut.. Sexual transmission is very rare, the only way I have heard of it being transmitted is with rough sex. I know many married couples where one has the virus and the other has never caught it. Saying all that he should be treated for his HCV. There are new medications out there that are much easier to use us than in the past and of a much shorter duration. Good luck to you both, Dee.

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